My favorite things in life most recently have been bread, cheese, and of course wine.....or other variations of this combination!! Don't get me wrong, I was not totally unhealthy before I started this new diet. I did eat lots of fruits and veggies (but prob. not enough), & I also made sure to eat lots of 'badish' things as well! Pretty much whatever I wanted or craved, within reason. I felt that if I exercised a little it would counter this, but not necessarily.......
Then a few months ago, I experienced really bad eczema over pretty much my whole body. I have always had eczema, but this was definitely worse than I had ever experienced before. It was pretty awful, and I don't need to get into all the dirty details here:), but as a result of seeing and consulting with doctors and other health professionals I came to discover that much of my itching and skin inflammations were a direct result if the foods I was eating. Believe me, I spent lots of time denying the food allergy idea and it's relation to my eczema (remember the bread and cheese?, and wine??, oh yeah no more of that either).
When I first started this new diet I was ready to either jump out the window or chew my arm off. But with an open mind, a few good cries, some screaming matches (with others and myself!!), and looooots of recipe and food experimentation things are looking up. And I have discovered quite a few good recipes and meals that I CAN eat! Even better, I want to eat them and they taste GOOD! And, by the way, my skin looks and feels much better and my eczema is healing. I'm pretty sure these recipes can help other people with health issues and allergies; and eating this way has made me have much more energy as well.
All of the recipes included here are wheat free, gluten free, soy free, dairy free, seafood free, alcohol free and egg free. Many are also tomato free, nut free, yeast free, and meat free recipes as well. As my boyfriend has been calling it- I'm a 'megan', sort of vegan, except for the MEAT part! Well, I decided that I want to eat some meat protein and bacon was one of the few foods that got me through life when I started this whole 'crazy' diet. I recently went to a fancy brunch buffet with my family and the bacon was pretty much the only thing that made me feel less deprived. Seriously, while everyone else was munching on omelets and pastries I was heading back for my third plate of bacon!! Things are definitely getting easier now, and I probably could also eventually eliminate meat if I think it will really benefit me. But there are some recipes with it here. the future you will find here allergy-friendly recipes, ideas, products I like, etc. Also I'll try and include other things about eczema and products and methods I have been using to deal with my own. I pretty much consider myself an expert on the subject by now!
So, here's the first tasty recipe I tried out of the new year!!
adapted from a recipe for Sesame-Crusted Fried Oyster Mushroom Calamari : From "The Artful Vegan" Millenuim cookbook. (My sister bought me this cookbook for x-mas b/c she is awesome! and she loves food as much as I do!) So, I made them but the recipe was a little different. I used oyster mushrooms -one package. But you can also use portobello or another shroom you may like.
Sesame Fried Mushroom Calamari
1. Heat up 1 or 2 cups of canola or veg. oil in a wide bottomed pan.
2. Mix together equal parts corn flour and rice flour (to make about 1 and 1/2 cups). Then add to this mixture any seasonings you may like (I used a little garlic, cayenne pepper and black pepper) and 1/4 cup of sesame seeds - white and black.
3. First dip the washed shrooms into about 1/2 to 1 cup of almond milk (or another milk substitute), then dip them into the flour mixture, them drop them into the oil. Make sure it's heated if you want by dropping a bit of water into the pan and seeing if it sizzles.
4. Fry the shrooms for 1-2 minutes (depending on how crispy you like them), and then let them drain on a paper towel.
5. Plate the shrooms and sprinkle with some more black and white sesame seeds. Serve with dipping sauce of your choice - if you like.
And I have to say it does taste like calamari (if you like it - and less fishy!!)
Here's another pic bc I impressed myself so much! And it looks so good - you should try and make it!
I also cut up rainbow carrots and mixed them w/ fresh ginger and brown sugar and some vinegar & oil, and cooked for a few minutes (keeping them cruchy) These are what you see below the shrooms. Enjoy! These are delish!!
The same night my boyfriend made a delicious salad. It had spinach leaves, dried cranberries, cucumbers, fresh pepper and some delicious dressing he made. You should try and experiemnet w/ dressings - they are so easy to make and delicious. Some ideas for dressings: oils, vinegars, seasonings, sauces, onions, garlice, fresh herbs, etc.......
Here's the salad:
Also delicious!! ENJOY!
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