Spring is in the air......

Friday, January 27, 2012

We made it to the frontier!!

"There will always be a frontier where there is an open mind and a willing hand." - Charles Kettering

Well, Hello again!! My gypsy days are finally over, & I'm back to blogging again.  How the heck have you all been?  I do apologize for the months of delay, but this has been a crazy ride........
My bf and I finally made it to the farm!  It was quite the journey but we're so happy to be here (and of course it never would have happened without our fams.:))

Now that I have a real permanent kitchen again,  I can't wait to start cooking for real!! And I can't wait to start posting some new recipes now that the internet has made it to the frontier:)

I have a bunch of new cookbooks to try out....
I got a few new ones in there - thanks guys & gals. ....you're always thinking of me:)

I'm going to make a few changes here- since I guess you could say I've made a few changes as well.... Of course I can't keep blogging without sharing our farming and frontier stories with you too - You will not be disappointed - I'm sure they will be hilarious and unbelievable (as pretty much everything up to this point has been).
Also, my diet has changed a little too.  Although I'm trying to get back to my 'no-nonsense' diet of before, I did get little out of hand over the holidays - with moving and being a gypsy and all.  So my skin has suffered a little.  Nothing major - I just know that if I was a little bit healthier I would feel a whole lot better. So in that attempt, I can't wait to try out some new recipes we all can eat here.
I guess you could say this will be a farming/food we can all eat & then some blog! 

I'm so excited to start growing our own food to add to the recipes here.  The pic. on the top is some of our future farmlands:) (& Lane)

I'll be posting a new recipe here real soon - so stay tuned.

ALSO, just had to the post the cutest pic. of our newest family member baby Quinn:

She's 11 days old today - Congrats Emily & Brian!! 


  1. SO glad to see a new posting! can't wait for the first 'farm' recipe' - and
    tales of life on the frontier.....
    sweet 'mighty quinn' -

  2. thanks!! glad you're still tuning in! i'm getting my recipes together right now...........too many frontier tales taking up all my time:)
