Spring is in the air......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Help For Your Eczema: Cooling Foods

So, I went for my weekly session of acupuncture yesterday for my eczema - which I highly recommend.  After looking at my dark-colored blood, my acupuncturist told me that there was still a lot of heat in my blood.  She asked me if I had been eating 'hot' foods.  We had talked about this before, when I first started seeing her and I had kind-of forgotten about it. I knew that alcohol had caused heat in my body in the past, and that's why I have been avoiding it. "Oh s*&!" I thought - partly b/c I had forgotten about this, and partly b/c now I had one more factor to consider when preparing and eating food. But if it makes me feel better, I guess it's worth a shot, right?

I was doing some of my own research too about Chinese Nutrition Therapy.  It makes sense, that since each person is different, foods will affect each person's body and health differently.  Every food affects your body's metabolic temperature (which is different than your body heat or temperature).

Eczema is derived from the ancient Greek meaning 'to boil over', and dermatitis means inflammation of the skin.  I guess than it would make sense that eating more 'cooling' foods could benefit my body.  Cooling foods are also suppose to benefit those with night flashes, hot flashes, night sweats, or an over-acidic stomach.  And I'm sure there are other benefits.......

COOLING FOODS/YIN FOODS - decrease the body's heat
-these foods generally grow in little sunshine(great for me!), are soft & wet, have lots of potassium, and are lean and salty.
Pear, Bananas, Strawberry, Persimmon, Grapefruit, Star fruit, Watermelon, Melons in general, Pineapple, Tangerine, Apple, Figs, Bamboo Shoots, Cucumber, Lettuce, Radish, Corn, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Green mungbeans, Seaweed, Chicken, Water chestnut, Bean curd, Rice, Oats, Salt, Sugarcane, Peppermint, Tumeric, Marjoram, and Tea
* These are all foods people w/ eczema should eat.

HEATY FOODS/YANG FOODS - increase the body's heat
Coconut, Guava, Peach, Raspberries, Apricot, Blackberries, Mangoes, Cherries, Mandarin Orange, Grapes, Peppers, Chives, Leeks, Ginger, Spicy Foods, Brown Sugar, Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco, Ham, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Walnuts, Vinegar, and I'm sure there are more......
*These are all foods people with eczema should avoid.

So, I guess that's some food for thought for now.....
And I'm going to enjoy some green tea - good for inflammation, and it's cool even though it's hot - good for us hot-blooded peeps!


  1. Do Yin foods reverse the effects of Yang foods and vice versa? For instance, I start my day with one cup of coffee, followed by a cup of tea at work. And usually a second cup of tea after lunch. So, can one have Yin foods in the morning and Yang foods in the afternoon?

    1. No. Yin foods do not reverse the effects of Yang foods. To be healthy, one should eat BOTH Yin and Yang foods, in western terms, eat a balance diet. If you eat too much Yin food and no Yang food at all, you may lost your energy for a lot of thing in life, such as sex. If you eat too much Yang food, you may be too energetic that you cannot sleep at night or have bad breath.

      Well, eating for health is an art more than a science.

  2. I guess that is the idea in a healthy person - the balance of yin and yang foods work each other out so that you are in symmetry.
    However, in an off-balance person like myself, I have too much yang in my body already so I need to eat more cooling/yin foods to balance it out. So, yes you are balancing yourself as long as you are already healthy.....what kind of tea are you drinking?

  3. Hi

    Have you tried "blood letting"? Used in TCM and old arabic medecine (hijama).


    1. haven't tried it, but will definitely look into it. Did this work for you? thanks!!
