Spring is in the air......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Pot-Pasta: Rice Fettucini w/ Spinach, Pesto, Olives & Panchetta

................."Never Eat More Than You Can Lift", Miss Piggy

Here's a great one pot (well really two, I lied!:) pasta meal that everyone will enjoy.  You can adapt it to suit a variety of tastes and diets....and it is really delicious!
Here's the finished product, and here's the recipe:

Rice Fettucini w/ Spinach, Pesto, Olives, and Panchetta
I adapted this recipe from one I found in "Veganomicon".  You could substitute another veggie for the spinach, or eliminate olives.  Also, my dinner partner insisted on adding the panchetta (which was really good, I'm not gonna lie), but I bet it would have been equally delicious without it! - You could also add a different type of meat like chicken, turkey or pepperoni, etc........

1.Bring a large pot of water to a boil, and add a tsp. salt.
2.  Once the water is boiling, you can add your rice fetticini.  I used some from 'Tinkyada' Pasta Joy that was really delicious in the final product - not mushy at all:)
3. Cook according to package directions - mine took about 14 minutes.
4.  While the pasta is cooking, begin the sauce.
First, the pesto: In a food processor or blender combine: 2 c. basil, 1 c. cilantro - (i used the fresh stuff below!), 2 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 cup olive oil, and 1/8 cup of pine nuts.  Mix until smooth and how you like it.....

5.Now, add 1 tbsp. olive oil to a large bottomed pan.  I accidentally added a little peanut sauce, but I think it added a really nice taste, so if you have some lying around and want to give it a try too, add some here.
5.  Chop up and add one red onion to the pan once the oil is hot.  Cook for about 5 mins., until fragrant and keep stirring. (After a minute or two add the panchetta here : if you are using it!)
6.  Now, add a full package of spinach, and let it cook down for a minute.
7.  By now the pasta should be done, so with some tongs or a slotted spoon, remove it from the water and add to the pan of spinach and onions.  It's ok is some water gets in, this helps to mix in the pesto.....
8.  .....which we will do now- wild: Stir in pesto sauce!
9.  Mix it all together with some tongs, and viola!  You have  delicious one pot meal that is finished in a flash!
mmmmmmm - Happy Eating!!

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