Spring is in the air......

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gluten-Free Party Pasta Salad

"The thing is to become a master, and in your old age to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing."
-Henry Miller

HAPPY SATURDAY!! Hope that your weekend is off to a great start and that you're having some fun:)

Lots of people I know have been talking about dieting and getting healthy lately; maybe it's summer coming or something.......?  I found this funny article on stress dieting you might want to check out for a laugh:): http://homecooking.about.com/library/archive/bljoke3.htm

As for the recipe, by popular request, it's Gluten-Free Pasta Salad!  I made this pasta last weekend for my sister's graduation party and it was a hit.  Try this out for your next party or dinner - it was delicious!  You really can share this with everyone - plus you can tell them it's healthier because it's made with quinoa pasta & it's vegan - what's not to love??

Gluten-Free Party Pasta Salad
This will make enough for 4 - double as you need to:)
1.  Boil up a pot of water & cook pasta according to directions.  I used these Garden Pagodas & a mix of other Quinoa Pastas - my mom's friend Edna got them (thanks!) & they were delicious:

2.  Cut up your veggies.  I used: 2 stalks fresh chopped celery, 1/4 of red onion, small green onion, handful of sliced green olives, 3-4 sliced carrots and 1/4 sliced almonds:

I got some fresh carrots from the garden (Hugo lost his breakfast all over the patch so I decided it was time to harvest:)):

*The first time around I also added black olives, and I used walnuts instead of almonds......You can really used whatever you have in the fridge or cupboard - experiment!

3.  Drain the pasta & let it cool.  Now put this into a large bowl w/ all of your chopped veggies.  Add about 1/4 (or more if needed) of honey mustard dressing.  I really love this one:

but I used a different one in Susky - used whatever you have around....

4.  Mix it all up  with some salt & fresh pepper & ENjoy!!  We sure did ~ again & again...............!
(it tastes better after the flavors mix & sit for a day or two)

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