Spring is in the air......

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cilantro Rice, Grilled Chicken & Mixed Green Salad

"People often say that motivation doesn't last.  Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."  - Zig Ziglar

This meal was filled with lots of cilantro - it keeps coming up all over the place in the back yard & so I picked a huge mess of it - & it ended up in just about everything we had for dinner.

I know my mom & Aunt Karen would be lovin' this one!! :)  (can't you just smell it already.....?!)

If you're lovin' the cilantro like they do, or if you just have a huge bunch you need to use up:), this one's for you. - Try it out & get your fix!

It's also really easy to whip up if you're tired & starving! Just grill up the chicken, throw the rice in the cooker & make up a green salad - voila!!

Cilantro Rice
-Makes enough rice for 3-4.
1.  Cook rice in rice cooker according to directions - I used some white spanish rice.
2.  Once the rice is cooked, stir in 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro, some olive oil & salt & pepper.  I also added a little adobo for some extra seasoning (Experiment!).

Grilled Chicken
-This was enough for 2 ; use more chicken if you need to:)
My cooking partner whipped up the chicken, here's how he did it:
1.  Get the grill ready.  Marinate 1 sliced up chicken breast in some honey mustard dressing to coat.  Add in 2 chopped garlic cloves and 1 Tbsp. chopped cilantro.  Stir to coat everything.  Let it sit for at least 15 minutes to soak in.
*You could also do the same process w/ tofu*
2.  Once marinated, put it on the grill.  Cook for about 10-15 minutes on each side until browned & cooked through.

Green Salad
1.  In a large bowl, combine: a few handfuls of greens, 1-2 sliced carrots, 1 sliced avocado, broccoli sprouts and 1/2 chopped cucumber.  Add dressing & Toss.

Did you know that the Chinese believed cilantro was an aphrodisiac & produced immortality??

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