Spring is in the air......

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Products We Can All Eat!!!!! (Gluten-Free & Allergy-Friendly)


Happy Saturday!! Hope it's a good one so far:)

My middle sis came to visit me yesterday & we were sitting in the kitchen talking.   She looked at the counter & said "you should just take a picture of all this stuff and put it on your blog."  And so that's what I'm doing (isn't she such a smartie:))

Here's some of the products I love - they're all form  a few different stores - Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Farmer Joes (an organic market in Oakland, C.A.) and Wegmans (Bingo, N.Y.)..... Just goes to show gluten-free and other allergy-friendly foods we can all eat are just poppin up everywhere!!  You may have to hunt for a minute - but that's part of the fun!

For pasta, we have: Tinkyada Pasta Joy brand lasagna noodles (made from brown rice), Pagoda brand Quinoa pasta, and Trader Joe's Thai Rice Sticks.

For snacks: Trader Joes's has these delicious Onion & Chive Corn crackers that are gluten-free; Enjoy Life makes some really great products, among them these Chocolate Chip Cookies.

For cereal: EnviroKidz organic cereals - the Gorilla Munch and Koala Cereal are both yummy & soy-free!

For flour: we have some white rice flour from Bob's Red Mill Brand.  They make tons of different kinds of flour (garbanzo bean, brown rice, tapioca, potato starch, corn, almond,etc.)

Next time you're out at the store look for some of these goodies.

In the meantime, Does ANYBODY have any ideas what I can make with this pomelo grapefruit I bought at the Farmer's Market?? -  holy coooooooooooow!!!!!

I really just bought it because it was bigger than my head!


  1. smart butt.....that's one big azz grapefruit

  2. thanks sherlock!! but WHAT should I do with it?!?!
