Spring is in the air......

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Potato Pancakes - Yes, they're VEGAN!

"Let us give something to each person we meet: joy, courage, hope, assurance, or philosophy, wisdom, a vision for the future.  Let us always give something." -  Daisaku Ikeda

These potato pancakes were so delicious - especially when it's cold and rainy out (I'm finally really starting to feel for you East Coast!!).
If you happen to be feeling a little chilly, whip up a batch of these delicious potato pancakes tonight.  They'll definitely fulfill your carb cravings and make you feel warm & good!

I got this recipe from "1,000 Vegan Recipes" : 'potato pancakes with green onions', and adapted it to be gluten-free as well. (Thanks!)

Potato Pancakes (Vegan Gluten - Free)
This will make enough for two + - so double it up if you need more.
1.  Peel and grate about 4 large potatoes, and then put them into a colander to drain for a minute.  Press down on the potatoes to squeeze out some more liquid and then put them into a mixing bowl.
2.  Add 1 bunch of scallions chopped up well, 1 Tbsp. fresh chopped parsley, 1/2 tsp. rice flour, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt & some fresh ground pepper.  Mix it up.

3.  You can preheat the oven here to 275 degrees F to keep the pancakes warm if you want (I found I didn't really need to do this b/c we devoured them before they had a chance to get cool.....)
Now heat some vegetable oil (canola or grapeseed) in a large skillet.
4.  Once the oil is hot, place a large spoonful of the mixture in the oil & press down w/ a spatula to flatten into a pancake.
5.  Fry until they are golden brown on both sides - flipping - about 7 mins.
6.  Once done, put the pancakes on some paper towel to get rid of a little grease b/f you chow.

mmmmmm! These were great - I had mine with some chicken sausage and a green salad.  Have a celebration tonight & ENjoy your pancakes!

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