Spring is in the air......

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rice and Beans

Just have to give a shout out today to my bffffffffffff Michelle!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY & many more.....!!
This one's for you - well, definitely inspired by you:)

Michelle is one of the best people you could ever meet & I'm so lucky to have her as my friend.  Even though we're 5,000 miles apart, she's always there for me.  Actually, she's one of the people who has gotten me through the crazy times of late.......I called her awhile ago & told her about all of the crazy dietary restrictions I have & all the crazy crap I'm doing, and she says "You can do that!", and gives me a pep talk.  THIS coming from the girl I used to share vodka and Newports with!!  What a great friend!
Thanks Michelle - I love you LOTS and I hope you have a spectacular day!!

SO, what the @#$% do rice and beans have to do with my friend Michelle?  Her mom actually taught us awhile back how to make rice and beans together - yellow rice and beans.  Her mom is an amazing cook!! and she gave us all the secrets to good rice and beans that day.......I think she may have taken pity on us after seeing the mashed potato like thing we were trying to pass off as rice!! So, thanks to Michelle & her mom I can now make good rice & beans!

Well, the recipe here isn't exactly the same - I had to eliminate all of the tomato products normally used and change it a little - but the basic idea is the same & you will be left with some amazing rice and beans  - Try 'em out!

Rice and Red Beans
1.  Cook your rice according to package directions.  Now, thanks to my own mom I have a rice cooker - which really helps me stay away form the mashed-potato rice!!  You can also cook it over the stove.....It's best if you rinse the rice before cooking it.
2. In a separate pot, heat up 1-2 Tbsp. oilve oil.  Once heated, add in 1/2 chopped onion and 2 cloves chopped garlic.  Stir and cook a few minutes until translucent.
3.  Add in 1/2 chopped green pepper,  Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro, salt, pepper & some adobo seasoning.
4.  Rinse off the beans you'll be using and add them to the pot.  Add in 1/2 cup of chicken stock, vegetable stock or water.  Bring to a boil & reduce heat to low - simmering for 10-15 minutes.
5.  Taste the beans now & see if they need any other seasonings.  Once the rice is done - you can scoop the beans into it and stir to combine.

Yum! This is really good & great for vegetarians as well  - or meat eaters! - We had some last night with shredded grilled chicken on top & a green salad - delicious!!! :



  1. your 'old style' beans and rice (with tomatoes) were the absolute
    best - can't wait to try this one out!! i'm thinking it will be
    equally delicious....
    happy birthday, michelle!!! come and visit us!!!!

  2. thanks! these were really good too, and pretty easy to make.
    Try 'em out!
