Spring is in the air......

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Juice Time

Have a little juice - for whatever ails ya!!

Last night I ate some pre-made pizza dough w/ yeast & now I am an itchy beast! Good times with the food allergies:) No worries though, I made myself a delicious OrangeAppleBeet Juice to cleanse myself out & already I feel better.  No lie! Try some for whatever's ailing you - hangover, flu, cold, sleepiness, dreary insides - you'll be feeling better in no time.

Or, just have some b/c it make you feel good and healthy and revived.... Go ahead, try it out!

Orange Apple Beet Juice
Makes enough juice for 2.
In juicer, juice up & combine: 4 oranges, 2 apples, 1 beet.

That's it!! ENjoy!

I know the beet part may sound a little crazy to you {but not to you cousin Meg!! - thanks for the idea;)}, but you can't even taste them in the smoothie and they add so many health benefits!
Beets are full of folic acid, and antioxidants that help fight cancer.  They also provide a lot of iron - so if you're a veggie chow down on the beets to get some added iron.  And even if you're not a veggie you can enjoy this delicious juice!  YUM!


  1. i love the beets in your juice!! keep posting - love your
    recipes, love the bog!!

  2. don't be a beast, get rid of that yeast!!!

  3. hahahaha - seriously, try the beets they're yummy!
